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teacher & parent resources

age 5-18

Game Changers bundle Age 12-17

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Product Details

Our Teacher led Dream BIG & Succeed is a digital and downloadable program jam packed full of education that will challenge your students to think outside of the box, learn to overcome challenges and explore what their future could look like.

The bundle includes 6 x 50 minute lesson plans, 6 x 10 minute videos showcasing education from the Project Gen Z entrepreneurs, and the GameChanger student workbook.

Lesson plans & videos include;

  1. You are Unique- Caroline Brunne- Founder of Organise Curate Design
  2. Growth Mindset- Rebecca Tapp, Founder The Supernova Tribe
  3. Step out of your comfort zone- Paris Volpe, Founder Happen Group
  4. Dream BIG- Liz Volpe- Founder Project Gen Z
  5. Goal Setting- Lisa Stephenson, Performance Coach
  6. How to Succeed- Andrew Morello, Winner of Ch9's The Apprentice


- Growth Mindset

- Problem Solving

- Creativity

- Enterprise Mindset

- Goal setting

The student workbook includes worksheets with activities and exercises that will take your students through a journey to explore their strengths, passions, dreams, and will teach them how to be resilient when faced with challenges.

A perfect mix of learning and fun for ages 12-17

Program includes;

  • 6 x Lesson plans
  • 6 x entrepreneur videos
  • Student workbook

"My 14 year old loved working through 'Dream big & Succeed', she especially loved building her dream board and completing the challenge to step out of her comfort zone. 10/10." Sarah Dunn, Parent

"I loved learning about goal setting and have already designed my goals poster which is stuck on my bedroom wall so I can look at it every day." Tom, 16yrs old

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Game Changers bundle Age 12-17

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