teacher & parent resources
age 5-18
Dare to Dream term long online enterprise program Age 10-17
The ‘Dare to Dream’ downloadable teachers program is an enterprise program designed by some of Australia’s top entrepreneurs to inspire and educate students, and prepare them for the future of work.
Over 9 lesson lessons students work in teams, each with a real business role with the aim to solve a real business problem. Over the term each team will take a business idea through to launch, including building a brand, designing a creative marketing campaign, filming & editing a TV commercial and more.
The program ends with a live pitch off competition where teams showcase their work and a winner is chosen! An exciting and educational program that leaves students motivated and prepared for the future of work.
What is included;
- Entrepreneurial videos to inspire and educate
- Lesson plans
- Student workbooks
- Student certificates
- A mentoring voucher for the overall winner
- Access to 'Generation Inspired' a documentary for teachers, parents & students
Over the 10 lessons students will learn;
- Design thinking and problem solving
- How to build a brand
- How to identify a target market
- How to build a sales campaign
- How to build a creative marketing campaign
- How to plan a strategic social media campaign
- How to design, film & edit a 30 sec TV commercial
- How to build a winning business pitch.
Key outcomes
- Build belief and confidence
- Developing resilience and adversity
- How to overcome obstacles and setbacks
- Problem solving through entrepreneurial thinking
- Creating an ‘action’ focused mindset
*This program has been delivered to over 20,000 young people and has a rating of 5 stars by educators!
- The program can be run with up to 100 students at a time.
- This program is a licensed program, so the cost is made annually. However, you can cancel this at any time.
- Each year the program gets updated with new entrepreneurial videos and a new challenge so it can be run over and over again with years 5-12.
- If you have any questions on the program please get in touch at info@projectgenz.com.au.
- If you would like an invoice providing to make payment please email us to organise.
"One of the best programs we have ever done!" James Stephenson, Year 9 Educator
"We are delivering the Dare to Dream program with the Year 10s and the feedback has been great. We are seeing students who may not be as academically successful demonstrating a range of enterprise skills; strong collaboration, creativity and communication." Michael Openshaw, Head of Careers, Norbert College, WA
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