teacher & parent resources
age 5-18
Mini Dreamers- Build kindness & empathy Age 5-10
We believe teaching kids how to be kind is one of the most important skills we can teach them. As a child practices kindness, they are also developing their ability to find good in the world, and in themselves.
Encouraging children to be kind has much more impact than just being helpful; research shows that kindness can have positive effects on health, self-esteem and even happiness.
The Mini Dreamers program ‘Design your own Kindness Cards’ takes children through the process of learning and understanding the importance of being kind, at the same time they complete an entrepreneurial challenge where they take an idea through to completion, and design and make their very own set of kindness cards.
- Kindness & empathy
- Enterprise skills
- Problem solving
- Creativity
- Critical thinking
- Self esteem & happiness
“Evidence suggests that children who help others end up achieving more than those who don't.” Wharton Psychologist, Adam Grant
Age 5-10
Price: $19.99
*This is a downloadable program available to both parents and educators and can be used in the classroom or as part of a home learning program.
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